Barboursville Pickleball Club
0 Members
All are welcome! The goal of this group is to expand the number of players, both beginners and advanced, at the Barboursville park courts. Sessions posted in this group are free and open to all! With the majority of sessions, there will be a single court designated as an “open play challenge court” where winner splits and stays up at the end of each match. This is an all-inclusive court for all levels of play with the intention to allow all players to play at their best! There are 15 courts total, 12 near the pond, and 3 across from “scoops ice cream”. All sessions will be held at the 12 courts by the pond unless there is a tournament or if court renovations are taking place. Feel free to join in on any and all sessions for open play matches in a friendly and competitive environment for all levels of play! For additional play, visit our website “” where you can register to join our official club and gain access to our group messaging app and exclusive club events/apparel.
0 Members
Chase H.
3.67 DUPR
Gavin V.
4.03 DUPR
Jason J.
3.7 DUPR
Alan D.
Alayna G.
Allison J.
no rating
Amanda G.
Amy M.