Downtown East Toronto Pickleballers
0 Members
This is a request for those who live downtown east of Yonge. I've submitted a proposal to Downtown East RFP for more dedicated pickleball courts & more scheduled time after 5:00 pm on weekdays at community centres downtown. Please use the link to vote. If we receive 60+ votes, Councillor Moise (Ward 13) will address the submission. We have 47 votes as of the 27th!! Dedicated pickleball courts & scheduled times after 5:00 pm on weekdays. We are aware that The City is looking at viable options for additional pickleballs courts. We need many more courts downtown (north of Queens Quay, south of Davenport, between Bathurst and River streets) 12 months a year. Most importantly, we need drop-in and scheduled court times in community centres and dedicated courts after 5:00pm on weekdays for adults 18 to 59 yrs. Similar to aquafitness classes, it would be very useful to have online sign-up for each session.
0 Members
Patty M.
Emily R.
5 Home Courts
One Yonge Community Recreation Centre
St. Lawrence Community Recreation Centre